Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Makeup Dos n Donts for Oily Skin

Makeup for Oily Skin --

How to Choose the Right Makeup for Oily and Acne Prone Skin

If you suffer from oily skin, it can be a challenge to wear makeup.

Putting on makeup that is not right for your skin type can cause breakouts on your face.

It’s essential that you know the basic skin types and what type of make to use for each type.
You don’t want to use makeup for oily skin if you have dry skin.

Likewise, you don’t want to use foundation for dry skin on oily skin.

Best Makeup for Oily Skin

It’s important to find the best foundation for oily skin. Chances are that if you suffer from oily skin, you suffer from acne outbreaks. This is the bane of people with oily skin. Why do people with oily skin get acne?

Regarding what makeup to wear for acne prone skin.

The best foundation to wear with oily skin is going to be water-based.
Water-based makeup will NOT block the skin’s pores, allowing the skin to breath.
These water-bases foundations come in liquid form and usually have both sheer and total facial coverage.
However, there is a downside to water-based makeup – the only last at most for about four hours.

You can address this problem by using some loss powder after applying the foundation to your skin – this will help the foundation last much long as well as help it too absorb extra skin oil.

Removing acne can be difficult if you don't use the right makeup.

Make sure you are choosing a non comedogenic makeup though.

You don’t want to be clogging up your pores and make your acne condition even worse.

I suggest looking for makeup that contain the label “oil free” or “oil controlling.” This means the product is water based only.

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